• December 9, 2017
  • Nelsie Montuya
  • Articles

Christmas is everyone’s favorite season. The spirit of Christmas would usually spring up after the season of trick or treating. People from different countries and culture look forward to homecomings and spend quality time with friends and family. But things are usually different in the Philippine setting.

The Philippines is known to have diverse cultures. Filipinos celebrate gleeful fiestas with food, social gatherings and many more. The way Filipinos celebrate Christmas is what makes the season a favorite annual event to look forward to.

  1. Caroling
Photo: ofwjournalism.blogspot.com

Once the ‘ber’ months begin, expect children or even adults to come caroling at your front door. They come in small to large groups. You can definitely tell it’s almost Christmas.

  1. Mall playlist
Photo: 360training.com

Malls are always a great sight during the holiday season. Lights, Christmas decors, items on sale are all over the place. And who would not notice the Christmas songs played all day long? Famous and classical jingles especially those of Jose Mari Chan’s play on repeat ‘til the season ends.

  1. Gift list
Photo: Twenty20

Filipinos value family and friends. During the season of joy and gift-giving, they want to give everyone they love, as much as possible, something. They want to give gifts even when they are on a tight budget. But the heartiest and best gift to give is a platter or more of delicious food that would help feed more guests during parties and gatherings. Who wouldn’t love a table full of delicious dishes?

  1. Decors
Photo: Twenty20

At homes or in malls, Filipinos love the sight of ribbons, stars, and lights.  But the lighted and colorful parols usually stand out among others. The term parol is derived from the Spanish word farol meaning lantern. In 1928, Francisco Estanislao created a lantern out of bamboo sticks and Japanese paper illuminated by a candle that was used to light the people’s way to the Church for the Misa de Gallo or Rooster Mass (pangbahay.com). The parol has evolved over the years and has become a part of the Filipino Christmas tradition.

  1. Food
Photo: thefamous8.blogspot.com

In the Philippines, Christmas season is an endless series of celebration that would last for a week or more. Filipinos love to socialize especially this time of the year. They plan out dinner parties with friends, colleagues and family. Putting more food in the table brings more people together to celebrate a festive feast.

  1. Invitations and reunions
Photo: wazzuppilipinas.com

To Filipinos, reuniting is sort of a ‘must’ during Christmas. One will surely get invited for any party among relatives and friends. People are excited to come home to their hometowns to spend time with friends and family to create more memories.

  1. Dawn Mass
Photo :davaocitybybattad.blogspot.com

Simbang Gabi, Misa de Gallo or Dawn Mass is a nine day novena and culminate on Christmas Eve. Completing the dawn masses has always been the goal of most Filipinos. It is believed that if you complete the nine masses, your Christmas wish will be granted. The origin of this tradition dates back 1700’s when Spanish friars would call the farmers to sing during the dawn mass instead of performing their usual morning rituals and sacrifices to their pagan gods. They would serve them breakfast after the mass before they would start their work for the day (inquirer.net). Thus believing in this practice, it has been brought upon the succeeding years until today.


Filipinos live by their practices which vary from region, religion and language. Filipinos may be divided in those aspects but their Christmas tradition makes every Filipino a family no matter how far or near they may be.