Having the perfect lighting for a selfie, the soothing sound of the rain, and the cool breeze that seeps in makes you want to crawl up back to bed with a warm cup of cocoa. These are two of the many things we enjoy out of the tropical seasons in the Philippines, wet and dry.
Filipinos enjoy the moment because they’re in the mood. The mood of making memories every day even with the slightest details create priceless moments that must be shared. Because the weather is a major factor to the changes of our moods, Serenis has incorporated the Green Living concept in its homes to uplift your mood when experience beyond green tropical living. Haven’t heard of this concept? Here’s what you’re missing.

Rainwater catchment
Sudden rain will pour down on us at any time. It would definitely be a waste if rainwater would just go down the drain. Instead, Serenis homes feature this catchment that puts rainwater to good use. This lessens your water bill expenses and utilizes the natural resources we have.
Louvered air vents at stairways and above dining door
Humidity comes along when living in a tropical country. Although palm leaves and coconut trees are ideal for the dry season, finding other solutions would be best to keep your home cool and breezy.
Louvered vents serve as a passage way for natural air to seep through and circulate. It helps keep your home cool and humid free. With this feature, you’ll experience the tropical life and the natural cool breeze without switching on the electric fan.
Cornered Windows
Natural light. At any time of the day you wouldn’t have to worry about switching the lights on. No matter where you are in your home, you’d have the perfect lighting for your selfie and have a good reading spot with your favorite book.
There’s so much more than just living the green concept. Don’t miss out! Learn here to experience beyond green tropical living today!